Thursday, 2 August 2012

One Year On

Well, well, well... One year on and how things have changed.  My last post announced that I was, in fact, pregnant after experiencing continued chronic tiredness, nausea and just general shitty-ness.  I know you all think you are soooooo clever for picking it up before I did and I applaud you.  In retrospect I don't know how I didn't put two and two together, dur!
I haven't blogged since then because I felt that my experience had changed from weight loss to pregnancy.  And I didn't start writing a blog about pregnancy so I didn't want to continue to blog.  That, and I was so bloody tired and busy that I really didn't have time to scratch myself!! I am pleased to report that I have finally given birth to that little bundle of joy.  A little girl, Mae, who was born on the 27th of June. Life has now been flipped on its head and I struggle to maintain a train of thought or basic conversation.  But let's see how I go! I know there will be a few people who are interested in what pregnancy was like with a sleeve so I will add a little bit in this post.  But the main purpose is to post a photo.  
I had my school photo taken 3 weeks before I had surgery last year.  I was officially at my heaviest ever so it is a good indication of where I was at.  Just before I had my baby I had the annual photo taken again.  Although I was 37 weeks pregnant (and quite puffy by that stage) it is clear to see how much weight I had lost. About 30kg give or take a few kg's.  Amazing!  The photo is almost a year to the day since the last one.  My loving and supportive husband has (adoringly?) pointed out that before the surgery I looked a lot like I had "a box head".  A term that, while I agree is accurate, it's not attractive.  So there you go.  I am now even lighter still.  I dropped about 12kg within 3 weeks of having Mae.  That is 4kg of baby, 1kg roughly of placenta and the rest I assume is fluid and other pregnancy stuff!  The photo is far from overly attractive but (aside from the puffy eyes) is a great visual!  I still have a way to go until I reach my ideal weight but hopefully this will fall off over the next 12 months as I learn to run around after a baby!!    

Basic about being pregnant with a sleeve:  While my pregnancy was "textbook" and progressed normally, I was constantly hungry.  And hungry for simple carbs that would give me the instant energy boost I needed.  Going from not eating much in a meal to wanting to eat every half an hour or so confused the hell out of my brain which had gone from "eat everything in sight" to "good luck getting all that in" and back to "eat something again, now!".  But I did get used to it and (despite my cravings to eat lollies, bread, chocolate and cakes) I did try to eat some nutritious foods.  Almonds were a staple for me to keep my blood sugar levels level.  Oh, and frozen coke.  I couldn't live without multiple frozen cokes every week.  I would trip anyone who stood in my way.  I'm not even joking.  If it was frozen and sweet, I wanted it.  
As well as taking Elevit (pregnancy multivitamin), I also had to take B12 and calcium tablets.  Later in the pregnancy I also had to start taking Iron supplements because I found I was anemic. I passed the glucose test (for gestational diabetes) with flying colours.  I was quite concerned about it because I was eating large quantities of sugar in any form.  I was also concerned that I wouldn't be able to drink the amount of liquid required.  I didn't need to worry.  Easy peasy.  It was only 200mL and not too fizzy. 
I also became a baking queen.  Pre-pregnancy I could find my way around a sara lee cake but I hated the idea of cooking one of my own.  About 16 weeks into it, I suddenly had an overwhelming urge to bake.  Every Sunday I would get up and whip up some delicious cake, slice or muffin.  I would then have a piece and either distribute to the neighbours or take it to work.  Very popular I was.  Very.  This lasted right to the end of my pregnancy and to a small degree it has continued. 
During pregnancy the amount of food you can eat diminishes the more room the baby takes up.  I thought I had already been generous giving the baby the extra room the removed stomach had occupied, however, I did find that I couldn't drink as much as I had been able to.  Otherwise I really didn't notice much difference in the quantities I could consume.  I didn't suffer from reflux at all during the pregnancy.  Mae was born with enough hair to perm so there goes that old wives tale!!!  The only other thing that I can think of that is pregnancy related is post birth, while I was in hospital.  I.  Was.  Starving.  AAAAALLLLLLLL the time.  I found myself eating ridiculous amounts of food (considering my situation).  I felt full for days, but all I wanted to do was eat!  I assume that it was my body replenishing itself after the labour but it was ridiculous! 

Thanks to all the people who have continued to not only support and encourage me, but read, check up on and demand more blog posts!  I will try to update a little more regularly and hopefully we can move from pregnancy back to weight loss.  


Monday, 6 February 2012

New Things...

It has been 9 weeks since my last post. Ummm, sorry about that!  Term 4 is always an horrific time of year for me.  There are report cards, graduation, movie making, report cards, orientation days, packing up, cleaning, filling in ISP's and farewells.  Then there are the Christmas holidays, which I truly cherish.  However, travelling, Christmas, travelling, new years, travelling, weddings in NSW and all of a sudden, 6 weeks have passed and I'm back at work and then the craziness of term 1 and the new school year begins!

To back track a little bit... In the last few of weeks of school I began to feel really unwell.  I was still exhausted and feeling revolting and swimming wasn't doing me any favours, nor was the typical end of year work load.  It all came to a climax when I got pins and needles in my legs and dizzy spells while trying to teach.  I went home and made a doctors appointment.  

The following morning I said to husband, "I'm going to do a pregnancy test, because I know that will be the first thing she asks me."  "But you did one a few weeks ago and it was negative!" was his response.  "I know but I want to give her a definitive answer." which I already knew was 'no'.  So off I went and tinkled on the stick, replaced the cap and set it aside.  A minute later I glanced over at the stick.  "Fuck!"  I said in disbelief.  "What?" said husband. "Fuck."  I said again.  "What!?!" Said husband. "Umm. I'm pregnant." I said, not believing what was coming out of my mouth. "Fuck!" said husband.  I walked out of our en suite and held the stick in front of him.  "2 lines.  Pregnant." I said  "Ah, yep.  And they can't get any darker, Hun.  We're having a baby!"  He said with a massive smile on his face.  So there you have it!  I'm pregnant!!!  20 weeks tomorrow to be exact!  Have I been avoiding you all... Maybe a little bit!

To all those out there who sent me messages asking if I could be pregnant... You were right!  To cut a very long story short, I had no idea and didn't even suspect it.  Mainly because I had already done a test (I would have been 3 or 4 weeks pregnant when I did it) and the result was negative.  Without going into a complete medical history my reproductive system has never been reliable and teamed with contraception, pregnancy wasn't in the forefront of my mind, or really even a possibility.  But on reflection, how could I not have realised!!

There were 2 people who have been part of my journey who I was particularly concerned to tell.  My dietitian and surgeon.  When I told my dietitian, she couldn't have been more thrilled!  I was SO relieved!  We have since had a couple of consultations where we have done some blood work and added vitamin and mineral supplements and discussed eating habits while I'm 'with child' (that sounds so dodgy!).  The next was my surgeon, Dr R.  Well what a frosty response I received from him.  I wasn't expecting flowers and a baby shower but my, my, my.  "This isn't ideal, is it?"  Was his response.  I told him that while it wasn't something we were planning, we were absolutely thrilled and couldn't wait to be parents.  I can see his point of view though.  I was meant to wait for 12 months before falling pregnant to ensure that my nutrition and weight were at appropriate levels.  I managed to wait 2 months.  Oops.  One night of passion and look what happens!!!!

Here's some more good news!  Since finding out the big news, I have lost a couple more kilograms, taking me to a total of 33kg total weight loss.  Excellent!  My dietitian tells me that I probably won't gain any weight during pregnancy, but rather maintain my weight.  Double excellent!!  She said that she'd seen someone gain about 5kg but it was very quickly lost after the birth.  So far, so good.  

When it comes to food though, things have changed.  My quantities have increased (I had heard that this would increase around the 6 month mark) and the frequency I eat has increased too.  It had to.  I have become a snacking queen.  My handbag is full of almonds, dried fruit and museli bars just incase I get hungry!!  
I have developed a fascination with sugar and carbohydrates.  Anything with sugar is an absolute target for me.  Frozen coke (anything cold / frozen and I have to have it), fruit, lollies, chocolate, cake mix, vanilla bean rice pudding with sultanas and banana (seriously, that specific), sticky date pudding, chocolate or strawberry milk, chocolate billabongs... You get the gist.  Oh, and Twisties.  I will fight anyone who stands between me and a packet of cheese Twisties.  Mmmmm, salty, cheesy goodness... Mmmmmmmm.  I am trying very hard to eat foods that are good for me and my bambino, but with this sugar obsession, it's very difficult!!

Anyway, we go for our 20 week scan this week.  I'm not sure who is more excited, husband or myself.  Thinking about the 1.5 litres of water I have to drink before the scan, it's probably husband!!! I promise that I will write again sooner rather than later....

Adios from Wanda (our little fish) and I...