Apologies for the lack of updates in the last week and a bit. I have had work commitments that have rendered me in the middle of Queensland, without a computer. This lack of access to the world wide inter webs made me start to itch (literally), however, I am back and have access to the Internet again (rash has already begun clearing up)!!
After arriving home on Friday night, I received a text message from our chariot driver, informing me that I had stolen their collection of DVDs and remote controls. Bugger. My planned sleep in until 11am was ruined. BUT it did mean that I needed to go into The Hamptons to drop it off. This, in turn, meant that I could make up excellent excuses to partake in my favourite of all sports, shopping. I obviously needed to go and buy a gift for the husband's birthday and perhaps he could have a look for a new mobile phone. Everyone wins!
While he was waiting (very patiently I might add for someone who lacks patience in his DNA make up) to speak to an expert, I made my excuses and dashed away. I went to the usual fat girl clothing stores which always leave me unsatisfied and went into Sussan. "Whoop-de-doo!" I hear you say? Well not for me. Sussan has really lovely clothes that, in the past, have just been a pipe dream for me. About 10 years ago I could stretch an XL cotton t-shirt over a chair for a few days and it might fit but I gave that up long ago for the more comfortable, elastic waisted items that actually fit and didn't cling too much to the spare tyres inhabiting my middle.
So in I saunter, making my way straight to the accessories (they always fit, it's hard to find a scarf that doesn't). I've always been paranoid that the shop assistants would look at me and think, "Why is she bothering, nothing will fit her!" So if I start at the accessories, they won't say anything (I know, you are overwhelmed by my superior thought patterns!). A singlet in the most divine shade of chartreuse caught my eye. I thought, "Nah, it's too early to buy anything from here, but I'll pick it up anyway and have a look..." I looked at it and thought "You know what, it might just fit me!" At that moment, I was shocked out of my inner monologue by a shop assistant who said to me, and I kid you not, "What size have you got there?" Me: "Um, extra large" Her (or goddess as she will forever be known) "You know I think a large will be big enough for you" At that point I went weak at the knees and began giggling like a crazy woman. I mean she was totally out of her mind, but is that what she really thought? Who cares! She thinks I would fit into a large OH-EM-GEEEEEE!!! Best shopping moment ever. Needless to say I bought that stunning singlet (in the extra large which is still frickin awesome and fits perfectly!), and a scarf to complete the look. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face and ran back to the shop to re-tell the whole event to husband!! I was so happy!
But it doesn't end there... Another awesome moment happened today! I found a gorgeous pair of strappy sandals that have a strap around the ankle. Delicious. However, in the past I can get the shoe on but never do up the ankle bit. Today the shoe went on, ankle strap did up easily AND there is even a bit of room to move. This is great!!!!! Another 15kg and I am going to be seriously dangerous in a shopping centre! I'd better start saving!!
Good to read everything is going well after the operation. All the best for future shopping adventures!!